Category: Event Planning

5 Conference Hacks to Make Your Experience Awesome!

In all the complexity of event planning, it can be easy to forget that one thing (in this case, five things) that can enhance an already amazing program. To ensure you feel prepared, here are five conference hacks to make your meeting and convention experience at Halifax Convention Centre awesome.

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Event Planning 101: Branding Your Event

Understanding how your brand effects the way delegates think and feel about your event is a key component in the planning process that should never be overlooked. So we asked our in-house design expert, Ryan Keddy, to share some tips on how to make a strong event brand, including the best ways to put it to use and guarantee that you’ll leave a lasting positive impression with your attendees!

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Event Planning 101: Keeping your event safe and secure

We all know that planning an event is no easy task, especially large events that require enhanced safety and security measures. So we asked our Manager of Building Services, Colin Kiley, to share some tips on how planners can work with their venue to help keep their event safe and secure. Check out what he had to say.

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